
Friday 14 August 2015

Popular Foods from Sabah.

Salam everyone...In my last entry, i have already shared some famous foods from peninsular (Malacca). So, today i will continue about Sabahan foods.  This is mainly due to the Sabahan partiality to all things tangy.

Here's a list of what you should look for when you're feeling Sabahan..:) ;)

1. Pinasakan.

Sources: Google Image.

  • It is also known as Pinasakan sada, is a traditional Kadazandusun dish of braised basung fish mixed with takob akob (a tangy wild fruit mainly harvested for its skin ), fresh turmeric, salt and slices of Bambangan (optional)
  • It is another type of preserved food and is good to be eaten sans heating for days at a time.

2. Tuhau.


  • It is a herbaceous plant that thrives in the island of Borneo, which have low-trunked trees kind of hard.
  • Styles of dishes.
  • Tuhau abound in Tambunan, Ranau, Keningan.
  • It is made of a type of wild ginger that is thinly diced, mixed with diced chili and diced scallion and pickled using salt and vinegar.

3. Ambuyat.

Sources: Google Image.

  • It is a traditional Brunei dish that is derived from the interior trunk of the sago palm.
  • Can eat together as serving lunch to replace rice. It delicious when eat with grilled fish, fish stew, salads.
  • Some people used dipped in sauce canned sardines mixed with shrimp paste, chillies and onions.

4. Bambangan.

Sources: Google Image.

  • The iban people in Sarawak called it "mawang".
  • Bambangan is a type of wild mango with brown skin and a somewhat punget smell. 
  • It is not eaten fresh as a fruit but made into a pickle or cooked with fish for a distinctive flavor.

Sabah has plenty of simple yet delicious dishes which are mainly pickled or preserved. Nonetheless, the cuisine continue to remain synonymous to Sabah's unique cultural identity.

I think that's all for me today..
Hope to see you in my next shared information.. Bye..

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